Course Curriculum:
Level 1 is designed for clerical and administrative staff who read and draft routine communications in English according to clear instructions. You will cover areas ranging from and including: • understanding short simple narratives and descriptions, straightforward instructions, directions and explanations on familiar and work related topics • composing simple texts using the appropriate format with some awareness of the intended audience • using a limited range of vocabulary to deal with simple and familiar business topics and tasks
Time allowed:
One and a half hours plus 15 minutes reading time. Note making during reading time is not allowed.
The aim of the examination is to test the learner’s understanding of straightforward business communications in English at an elementary (A2) level, and the ability to carry out routine written tasks.
Target population:
The examination is designed for candidates who are preparing for, or who already work in, an occupation requiring the ability to read and write simple business communications in English. The candidate should have an appreciation of letter-writing and memo-writing formulae and be able to communicate in writing for simple, practical needs. Candidates whose first language is not English should have attained a level of ability equivalent to CEFR A2 level.
The candidate should demonstrate the ability to understand simple business communications, to respond to them clearly and concisely, and to extract information from a limited range of simple, non-textual sources. Candidates should be able to complete the following:
Reading comprehension:
• Demonstrate an understanding of simple internal and external business communications, e.g. memos and letters, written telephone messages and emails. • Complete or extract explicit information from business documents, e.g. orders, requisitions, quotations or invoices. • Extract information from simple charts or timetables.
Writing skills • Write simple, concise letters, providing and/or requesting routine information. • Write simple memos in response to explicit instructions. • Draft faxes. • Complete WP templates with information provided.
Examination structure:
The Level 1 examination consists of a one and a half hour paper containing four questions, all of which should be attempted. The candidate is given 15 minutes to read through the questions before the examination begins. No writing will be allowed during this time. The four questions are presented as a series of unrelated ‘in-tray’ tasks. The candidate assumes the role of an employee in a particular company. The scenario is described at the beginning of the examination. The candidate is required to respond appropriately to straightforward tasks involving the reading and writing of routine business correspondence. Some of the source material may be handwritten. All information required for the successful completion of tasks is explicitly stated.
Each of the four tasks is worth 25 marks (25%). The candidate is assessed on the degree of success with which he or she completes the tasks. Marks are awarded for language and content. Legibility is taken into account. Layout is assessed for two (only) of the written tasks, a memo and a letter. Tasks assessed for layout are specified on the examination paper. To be awarded a Pass, candidates must achieve a total of 60 marks (60%). A First Class Pass will be awarded to candidates achieving 75% or more in the whole examination, provided they attempt all the tasks.